
BJC Open National Championship 2025

Arena Sports Kettering



Total entries to date: 1
Maximum entries: 380

The BJC proudly presents the annual BJC Open National Championships. This event, is open to members of the BJC, BJA & AJA of appropriate grade and age. This includes categories to allow for as wide a range of age, grade and weights as possible. You can find full details on our Event Information leaflet which is available by pressing the button below. Please note, closing date for entries is Wednesday the 30th April at midday.

The BJC Open Nationals Championships will include:
• Primaries 8-9 years of minimum grade 3 red bars (3rd Mon) or above
• Juniors 10-15 years of minimum grade 2 yellow tabs (5th Mon), grouped by weight & age.
• Kyu Grade Seniors 16+ of minimum grade 4th Kyu (orange belt) or above grouped by weight & grade.
• Dan grade Seniors grouped by weight & grade.
• Over 100 categories
• Open to the BJC, BJA & AJA

Once you have registered your entry (using the buttons below) you will be directed to PayPal to make payment with either PayPal or your credit/debit card. You can also make payment with a credit card by phone to BJC HQ on 01692-580900. The closing date for all entries and final payment is Wednesday 30th April 2025

After registering your entry, you will have until 12pm midday on Wednesday 30th April where you will be able to amend your entry (eg. change weight category), add additional entries or remove entries from the list (and be refunded). No further changes will be possible after midday on Wednesday 30th April. NO ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THIS TIME.


Event Information BJC Contest Rules


Register BJC Members: BJC Individual BJC Club

Register Non-BJC: Non-BJC Individual Non-BJC Club

Competitors e-tickets will be emailed to the person registering the contestants in the week prior to the competition. If you have not received your entry tickets by Thursday 2nd MAY please check with BJC head office. IT IS VITAL YOU CHECK THAT YOU HAVE ENTERED THE CORRECT EMAIL ADDRESS WHEN COMPLETING YOUR ONLINE ENTRY.

Categories of less than 12 will be contested by pools only. Categories with more than 12 will be contested by pools to knockout. There is no repercharge.


Entry grades are 3 red tabs for those 9 years and under, 1 yellow tab for those 10 years and over, 4th Kyu and above for senior entrants

Please be aware that if, at the time of your weigh-in, you are heavier than the category you have entered (including the allowance given for Judogi bottoms (0.5Kg) and t-shirt (0.2Kg) as detailed on the Event Information sheet) there will be a £3.00 administrative fee made in order to transfer you into your correct weight.

Please note the BJC may photograph or video part or all of this event for promotional or training purposes. This event, by its very nature, is in the public arena and when entering for the event the participant and their parents acknowledges this fact. If you have any concerns about this please contact the BJC HQ on 01692-580900

Spectators Fee: £5.00 per person. These can be pre-purchased via BJC Head Office with a credit card or by BACS, or from the admin desk at the weigh-in or at the entry to the hall on the day with cash or credit card. There is free entry for all registered coaches upon production of a valid coaching card.

The current BJC Contest Rules 2019 will apply to the 2025 Open and will be strictly defined and enforced by our Referees.