
BJC Open National Championship 2024

Arena Sports Kettering



Total entries to date: 400
Maximum entries: 380

The registration is now OPEN for the BJC Open National Championship 5th May 2024
Kettering Arena Sports, Thurston Drive, Kettering, Northamptonshire NN15 6PB

Including - Primaries, Juniors, grouped by weight & age.
Kyu Grade Seniors & Dan grade Seniors
grouped by Weight & Grade.
Over 100 Categories
Open to the BJC, BJA & AJA

You must hold the following grades or above to compete.
Primaries - 3 red tabs & above
Juniors - 2 yellow tabs
Senior kyu grades - 4th kyu & above

Once you have registered you will have until 12pm midday on Wednesday 1st MAY to confirm and pay for your entries.NO ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THIS TIME. During this period you can add/replace or remove entries from your list.

You will be directed to paypal to make payment Or, you can pay by cheque (BJC address below) or credit card by phone 01692 580900 The closing date for all entries and final payment is Wednesday 1st MAY 2024


Event Information BJC Contest Rules


Registration is now closed.

Competitors tickets will be emailed to the person registering the contestants in the week prior to the competition.If you have not received your entry tickets by Thursday 2nd MAY. please check with BJC head office. IT IS VITAL YOU CHECK THAT YOU HAVE ENTERED THE CORRECT EMAIL ADDRESS WHEN COMPLETING YOUR ONLINE ENTRY.